Harvesting of honey


Harvesting Honey

            Of course for most of us, the whole object of getting into beekeeping is to be able to harvest our own honey, for our own use, for gifts, or to sell.
Many beekeepers buy an expensive honey extracting machine. With these you remove the frames from the beehive and put them into the extractor and centrifugal force is used to spin the honey out of the cells and it drips down to the bottom of the extractor, and then you open a spigot to let the honey drain out into some form of container. Then we strain it to remove bits of beeswax from the honey before we bottle it. Some Bee Club Associations have their own extractors for their members to use.
However there are other methods. Some just cut out a square from the frame and put that square in a mesh bag and squeeze it and then let the honey slowly drip out and strain that if you wish before you bottle it. If you are truly creative you can figure out other equally good or better ways yourself.