We produce pure ripe honey of best quality for sales. Raw honey is the best honey to eat and also for medicinal purpose. The processed honey is not very good to consume. In the honey very micro nutrient available when we processed the honey the micro nutrients were damaged. Its very natural and full of nutrients. In the world market of honey up 50% honey is not pure. If you want to purchase honey always buy from a Bee Keepers. We are Bee Keepers and selling honey to the consumers directly.
We harvesting three types of Honey from different bee's
1. Apis Mellifera ( Italian Bee )
2. Apis Cerana ( Indian Bee )
3. Apis Florea ( Little Bee )
The rates of all types of honey is different.
Rates given bellow
Pure raw honey 1kg. = 1400 Rs.
Pure raw honey 500gms. = 750 Rs.
Pure raw honey 250gms. = 400 Rs.
Scan QR code to pay
Please share your delivery address and receipt on this whats app no. after payment +91 999 104 0211
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